Don't overcomplicate it. It should be simple, easy, and something you enjoy!

Get rid of the "All-or-None" principle
Ever thought:
"It's not worth doing if I don't go all in?"
"Exercise until I drop?"
"No pain No gain?"
Well stop thinking that! It's not very helpful for your mindset.
When you are first starting out, there is no incentive in doing that activity again if your muscles and joints are so sore you put off going to the toilet because it hurts so much to sit down; or avoid getting up off the recliner because you know your quads and glutes are going to scream at you!
I'm here to tell you it's much simpler, much easier.
So what's the best type of exercise for me?
Something that you will actually do and be encouraged to repeat it. Go for a walk after dinner with your loved one. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Park further away from the shops (your car will thank you too ... most likely it will have less dents and scratches!!!)
Small movements add up.
Add some very simple movement that you really enjoy. Get outside in nature and enjoy the environment. Be thankful for the creation around you. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass barefoot. Scrunch your toes in the sand. Have you ever heard of grounding? It's a very simple process that actually works and can improve your mindset.
Gradually increasing your movement is crucial. Sit less because prolonged periods of sitting is quite bad for you. Tie in some simple movements with things you do everyday. Here are some easy examples:
Every time you wash your hands, do 5 to 10 squats; or 5 lunges to each side.
When you stand from a chair or recliner, sit back down and stand again. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
When preparing the midday or evening meal, complete 5 bench (or wall) push ups.
Simple movements, littered throughout your day, will help you make bigger gains down the track.
Be kind to yourself, and get rid of the all-or-none principle.
